Two of the most popular Subaru Impreza drivers to have journeyed from England to the Caribbean’s biggest annual motor sport international in recent years are today confirmed for Sol Rally Barbados 2013 (June 1/2). Kevin Procter will compete for the first time since 2009, while Rob Swann is back for the sixth consecutive year.

Don't forget, it's RACEDAY at the Garrison tomorrow! Go out and enjoy a great event.

Rockley golf course is also hosting the TMR Invitational. There are still spaces left so call the pro shop on 4357873 if you'd like to play!

Come and visit us in Barbados! We have it all! You can lie on the beach or you can swim with the turtles, play cricket, hockey, football, rugby, golf - whatever you're like to do! You'll find a warm welcome. Contact us at for help with your travel and accommodation.


Garrison Savannah                      





ENTRIES for Day 1 -

The fleet of the Classic Transat Yachts will on Sunday give Barbadians the treat of being able to see ALL of these beautiful yachts do an exhibition sail from the start line in front of The Cruising Club to a Mark off Mullins Beach Bar and back to the finish in Carlisle Bay. Don't miss this beautiful sight!

TV coverage airs over Christmas and New Year holiday in the UK


Sol Rally Barbados 2013 is already more than half-way to its cap of 100 starters, with continued strong interest from Ireland helping to drive the number of International entries posted on-line to more than 30 a full two months earlier than last year. Since

The Barbados Surfing Association held its annual Soup Bowl Junior Pro on Friday, November 30th at the Soup Bowl, Bathsheba.  This year the title sponsor was The Tec Corner and the Juniors battled it out for some amazing prizes, with the finalists of the Under 21 Division also winning cash!  This our premier junior division was dominated by the

Barbados’ Premier surfing event, the Independence Pro, took place last week-end at Soup Bowl, Bathsheba in highly contestable, chest to head high waves.  The Open Men’s Division attracted some forty-eight competitors from the United States, Puerto Rico, Brazil  and the French and English-speaking Caribbean.  This Division was characterized by

Mixed fortunes for Barbados regulars Bird and Perez in the UK


Five repeat visitors who have clocked up more than 40 trips to Barbados over the last 10 years were among the first International competitors to post on-line entries for Sol Rally Barbados 2013 (June 1/2). Since registration opened last month on the official web

The 2013 Edition of Sporting Barbados is on island and will be distributed to all hotels, villas and other outlets from today. Please contact us if you'd like a copy at

Special Olympics Barbados has taken a step into cyberspace with the unveiling of its Internet web site, . The interactive site is designed to keep the public and all those involved and interested in Special Olympics informed of the organisation’s activities

By Bernard Babb

Top Barbados player James Johnson grabbed another major title while Stollmeyer registered her second win in three months when the RBC Royal Bank Classic concluded at the Barbados Golf Club on Sunday.

Johnson , who led the field by two strokes on Day 1, finished five strokes better than his nearest rival, Judd
