SCS17-02: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – January 30, 2017




Sol Esuf and Ryan Wood were crowned Champions of the SR3 Cup and Swift Cup respectively when the second Suzuki Challenge Series drew to a close during Radical International (January 28/29) at Bushy Park Barbados. Each driver had won his Summer Series title

A new spectator-focussed Rally Show, a revised format for Scrutineering and a change of location for ‘Rally Central’ - the secure facility and workshop that plays host to the majority of visiting crews - are among changes for Sol Rally Barbados 2017 confirmed in outline today (January 28) by the organising Barbados Rally Club (BRC).

Suzuki Challenge Summer Series Champions Suleman Esuf (SR3 Cup) and Ryan Wood (Swift Cup)
head to Bushy Park Barbados this weekend (January 28/29) for the Winter Cup determined to
continue where they left off in October. They will have their work cut out, however, as Radical
International 2017 plays host to competitors

Bridgetown, Barbados (21 January, 2017): Andy Budgen sailing his Mach 2 foiling International Moth Nano Project completed the 60nm Mount Gay Round Barbados Race at a record pace of 4 hours, 23 minutes, 18 seconds, to established the Absolute Foiling Monohull record. He also broke his own personal record time from a few years ago when he sailed
