Bushy Park hosts 2017 curtain-raiser for BPMSI & BADD
Bushy Park Motor Sport Inc (BPMSI) and the Barbados Association of Dragsters & Drifters (BADD) will share Bushy Park Barbados on Sunday, March 26, to launch their respective Championship seasons. Track and drag strip activity will alternate during a 10-hour programme, as

From the giant Japanese Sumitomo Corporation, parent company of Mazda, through local motor dealerships, motor sport enthusiasts and leisure organisations to a growing number of tourists, Bushy Park Barbados is fast expanding its business profile. After nine months of redevelopment, the facility re-launched with Top Gear Festival Barbados in

Sol Rally Barbados will play host to a family reunion in 2017 as first-time participants, husband and wife Jon and Alison Trenholme, will be joined by Jon’s sister Katharine, who is making the 23,000-mile round trip to the Barbados Rally Club’s (BRC) premier event from her home in Brisbane, Australia, for only their second get-together in four
